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AS411 Community Home » Software Directory » ACCPAC Simply Accounting by Sage Accpac, a division of Sage Software, Inc. » RE:slow printing with 8.5


Linda.McGillivray wrote the following post on 5/24/2004 2:47:00 PM

Mary, We have just upgraded to 8.5 and on large reports only, we too are experiencing the same problem. So far I have found these suggestions on the internet: You can usually fiddle with the settings in your printer driver to speed things up but this is likely to reduce quality. You could also use the generic printer driver which does very little processing of the print data. You will be very limited in your font usage if you use the generic printer driver though. You can probably cut your time in have by setting the driver to Draft mode if it has one. I did change the font style on most of the fonts on my report to Draft type and when i test it... bingo!!! is now much faster...from 3mins 6secs to 1min 45secs...almost 50% increaase... This might apply to Windows ME as well: Article ID#: K000036 With Windows 2000 and Windows XP, all MS-DOS printing is done through the Windows NT spooler system. In order to know when to send a job to the spooler, there is a time-out on the printer port. Once something has been printed to the port, if this time out passes with no more data presented to the port, the print job is sent to the spooler. The default time out is 15 seconds. Therefore, there will be a 15 second delay before the print job starts printing. Microsoft had documented this issue in the following link:;en-us;Q101850 Every computer using any version of Windows 2000 or Windows XP will need the changes described below. This includes the Windows 2000 data server. If using Citrix or terminal services, the changes must also be implemented on the Windows 2000 server running Citrix/Terminal Services, as well as each workstation that uses the Windows 2000 or XP operating system. To decrease the time out use the steps below to edit the registry setting: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WOW\LPT_Timeout WARNING: Using REGEDT32 can cause serious damage to your operating system. Make sure to follow these steps exactly. 1. On the Windows 2000 or Windows XP machine where the printer is connected, click Start -> Run and type REGEDT32 2. Bring up HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Local Machine 3. In the header, click View and make sure to check "Tree and data" 4. In the left hand pane, expand System -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> WOW 5. In the right pane should be a key "LPT_timeout". Double click this key 6. A prompt for a string with a default of "15" (seconds) will appear. Change this to 3 and click OK. The screen should appear as below. 7. Close RegEDT32 8. Repeat these steps for every computer running any version of Windows 2000 or Windows XP, including the data server, Citrix/Terminal Server, and all remote workstations connected via Citrix/Terminal Services. I am still looking..

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